So I once said how every girl needs a pair of red shoes. I still hold to this sentiment. I have two pairs of red shoes actually and love them both. This is rather funny because growing up, my fashion is what you might have called conservative... REALLY conservative. I don't think I ever let the thought cross my mind to have shoes any color other than brown, black or white. Tan was pushing it.
No longer do I hold such a conservative view on fashion. My newest favorite thing is to own colored shoes. They spark up an outfit and brighten my day every time I look down and see a nice bright color on my feet. I have purple, yellow and of course, red shoes. Well, if you saw the picture from Valentines Day (see previous post), two of my favorite people and I wore a pink cardigan in honor of love day. As I got dressed that morning, I thought how fun it would be to have fun pink shoes to wear with my pink cardigan. Well, this of course came out in conversation throughout love day as Beka, Jamie and I discussed our collaborative efforts with the pink cardigan.
Today was Jamie's last day as a student teacher at our school. She brought Beka and I a gift. You'll never guess what it was...
okay, maybe you will...
Yes, it was pink shoes. Talk about a good start to a good day. I think that tomorrow I will wear pink shoes, regardless of whatever else I decide to wear on top. The pink shoes will make me happy. Beka got a pair of purple shoes just for the record. The three of us scheduled a time to meet up together at the mall in a few weeks. The purpose just being a reason to get together and see each other, but who knows, we might go shopping for some shoes... orange perhaps?
Thanks Jamie.