Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Second Dirtiest Tourist Attraction

I went up to Seattle this last weekend to act as the support vehicle for a few friends who were riding in the "Seattle to Portland" bike ride. While we were there, we went on a few adventure in Seattle. One attraction we visited is known as the second dirtiest tourist attraction in the world; the first being the blarney stone in Ireland. It's known as the gum wall. There is a wall at Pike Place Market where everyone sticks their gum... talk about germs. Sick. It was pretty cool to see however. We all added a piece of our own gum so we could say we left our mark..


  1. Too bad I wasn't there... I would have paid a fiver to anybody who would have gone up and had a good long 1 foot lick of said gum-encrusted tourist attraction.

  2. I cannot believe the awesome amount of traveling you've been doing this summer! EVery time I click on your blog I totally expect to see a page out of backpacker magazine or something - and I'm never disappointed! Way to make the most out of a summer!

  3. yuck! That looks sick, but cool in a way too. Not surprised to hear you are out and about doing cool things.
    Miss you and love your guts!
