Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ode to Kim

I have a friend named Kim who is the most amazing person I have ever known. She is one of the most self-less, supporting, kind people I have ever met. We both spent a semester at BYU Hawaii Fall 2000. However, we didn't meet in Hawaii. We returned from Hawaii at the same time and happened to both choose to sign a contract at a little place known as Campus Plaza.

Our first semester back in Provo, I broke my collar bone. One evening we had a ward activity that I was unable to go to due to my injury and Kim decided to stop by on her way to the activity to see how I was doing. At this point I was still just a random girl in the ward. Well, her little stop by turned into an evening in which we both missed the activity and a life time friendship was started. We became friends instantly and have been friends ever since.

Kim has been a tender mercy in my life in so many ways. She is a "rocking-chair" friend. Meaning that when I am old and, in my 80's and spending a lot of time sitting in a rocking chair, I will still know where Kim is and what she is doing and we will still be in contact with each other.

Back at our days in Campus Plaza, we instituted a tradition of having a "Hot-Coco-Loco" every Sunday. This was our way of guaranteeing we had Jessie/Kim time every week. We would meet on the swing outside our apartments and wrap up in blankets with hot cocoa and just talk. We still have hot-coco-loco's almost every Sunday and it is one of my favorite times of the week. She helps me in my rough times, she celebrates with me in my good times and she knows me inside and out. I am so thankful for her and the many amazing times we have had. Here are a few photos from over the years...

Our excited faces as we were waiting to board our plane to Israel last year...

Climbing trees...

Attending a fireside at the Marriott Center...

Eating one of our favorite treats...

Eating yummy breakfast and having a "pajama" morning...

At Campus Plaza...

At the temple...

I love you Kim!


  1. Cheers and kudos! You two girls are fabulous! So, two (or more) questions:

    1) are you playing Orem Ultimate? If so, we are NOT on the same team :(
    2) what night do you serve at the Temple?
    3) would you like to go hiking or biking in the near future?
    4) would you ever love to go to Southern Utah or to a National Park in the near future?

    Thanks for making my life that much better :)

  2. Amen to that. Kim IS great. Not the worlds best prankster, but great nonetheless.

  3. Everyone needs a friend like Kim. I'm glad you have her.:)

  4. Ah I love both of you girls! I miss you both tons! Hopefully our paths cross sooner than later! It has been WAY too long.

